Smith’s education bills pass Assembly

Assembywoman Christy Smith congratulates the The Hart School District which was named an Exemplary District by California Department of Education in the Hart District Board Room in Santa Clarita on Friday. Dan Watson/The Signal

Assemblywoman Christy Smith, D-Santa Clarita, celebrated the Assembly’s passage of three bills this week as Assembly Bills 967, 1233 and 1729 head to the Senate for consideration.

The bills garnered strong, bipartisan support, according to a news release from Smith’s office.

If passed, AB 967 would require charter schools to to comply with various other LCAP (local control and accountability plan) requirements that currently apply to school districts and county offices of education, the bill’s analysis states.

This would increase stakeholder engagement, foster youth-parent engagement and provide greater transparency from charter schools, Smith’s statement said Thursday.

AB 1233 looks to award grants to school districts so the cost of AP exam fees can be lowered for low-income high school students and foster youth from $94 to $0, the release stated, adding AB 1729 also seeks to assist high school students by allowing a greater number of them to enroll in general education community college courses during the summer.

This would help students get ahead on college course requirements, according to the release.

“We must address the shortfalls in our education system and promote equity for the success of our children,” Smith said in the statement. “In order to do so, we have to look at unique challenges our students face. I’m proud my series of bills accomplish that and take into account the educational barriers our kids face from all angles.”

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