25060 Avenue Stanford, St. 141
Valencia, CA, 91355
Main Desk: 661-259-1234
Newsroom: 661-255-1234
Advertising: 661-287-5564
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- Sunday Signal
Founded in 1919, The Signal is a five-day daily newspaper serving the entire north Los Angeles County area known as the Santa Clarita Valley. The valley consists of the city of Santa Clarita, and the communities of Newhall, Valencia, Saugus, Canyon Country, Stevenson Ranch, Castaic, Val Verde, Agua Dulce and Acton. Read more about our history here.
We are always looking for local news stories. You can submit a news tip or story idea here. A representative from The Signal may reach out to you for more information. The Signal cannot acknowledge each tip.
You can subscribe to the daily newspaper and E-Edition here. For assistance on subscribing to The Signal or managing your subscription, please call 661-259-1000 or email [email protected].
To subscribe to the Morning Rundown email newsletter, click here. To unsubscribe or manage your subscription, click “Update Subscription Preferences” on a Morning Rundown email.
To submit a classified advertisement, click here. You will be redirected to our Classifieds website, classifieds.signalscv.com.
To submit an obituary, email [email protected] or call 661-259-1234×5508. The cost depends on the number of characters with spaces, with a rate of $105 per 1,000 characters (or part thereof) per day, plus $25 if a picture of the deceased is included. Additional characters will be quoted on an individual basis.
The Signal newspaper is five days per week and runs Tuesday through Saturday. A morning edition, The Signal serves the Santa Clarita Valley and includes the following zip codes: 91321, 91350, 91351, 91354, 91355, 91381, 91384, 91387 and 91390.
A draft with pricing will be emailed.
After the draft is approved & any changes are made, then payment is collected. (Prepayment required; we accept all major credit cards).
A receipt generated by our accounting department will be emailed once the process is complete, along with the link to our online obituary page.
You can manually reset your SignalSCV.com account password here.
To report an issue with your SignalSCV.com account, other than a password reset, please fill out the form here.
To report an offensive or inappropriate comment, fill out the form here.
We are always focused on delivering the best user experience for our website. To express feedback, both good and bad, fill out the form here.
You can subscribe to the daily newspaper and E-Edition here. For assistance on subscribing to The Signal or managing your subscription, please call 661-259-1000 or email [email protected].
If your carrier should miss you, call our circulation department at 661-259-1000 Monday-Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.; Saturdays 7 a.m.-noon, and we will have a paper delivered to you if you reside in the Santa Clarita Valley. For same day re-delivery Monday through Friday, call before 10 a.m. and Saturday before 11 a.m. If you notify us outside of these hours or if you live outside of the SCV we will credit your account for the non-delivery.
To temporarily stop your delivery, call our circulation 661-259-1000 department Monday-Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.; Saturdays 7 a.m.-noon and you can select from three available options:
Vacation Stop: Your carrier will be asked to stop delivery during the time you’re away.
Vacation Donation: We will donate your papers while you’re away to Newspapers In Education for use by classroom students.
You can also complete this process online by clicking the form here.
To automatically charge your subscription payment to either your credit card or checking account on a monthly basis, contact circulation at 661-259-1000. This process can also be done online by clicking here.
To request a previous edition of The Signal newspaper, contact circulation at 661-259-1000.
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Filled with the top stories to start your day, and emergency news alerts.
25060 Avenue Stanford, St. 141
Valencia, CA, 91355
Main Desk: 661-259-1234
Newsroom: 661-255-1234
Advertising: 661-287-5564