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Letters must be confirmed by phone before being considered for publication. They should be limited to one topic or issue of public interest and may be edited for content, grammar, spelling and length (while we do not impose a strict limit on length, a reasonable target is 500 words or less, and we always reserve the right to edit submissions). Also, bear in mind that shorter letters tend to be published more quickly because of space availability in our print edition.
Anonymous letters, letters written by or forwarded from other sources, those involving personal or business disputes, and those deemed inappropriate for publication will not be printed. You may be limited to one letter every two weeks. Letters and articles submitted may be published in print, electronic or other forms. Letters, columns and cartoons express the opinions of the authors and not The Signal.
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25060 Avenue Stanford, St. 141
Valencia, CA, 91355
Main Desk: 661-259-1234
Newsroom: 661-255-1234
Advertising: 661-287-5564