Couple having sex near dog park sparks deputy response

A landscape overlooks Central Park and the Santa Clarita Valley on Friday, Dec. 1, 2017. Nikolas Samuels/The Signal

Deputies responded to reports from a mother at Central Park concerned about a couple allegedly having sex near the dog park frequented by children.

The call was received about 5 p.m. Thursday by Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station deputies who responded to the southern end of Central Park on Bouquet Canyon Road.

The couple, reportedly engaged in sexual intercourse, were spotted in an open field near the dog park, not in a vehicle.

“They were contacted,” Lt. James Royal said of the man and woman involved in the alleged incident. “It’s under investigation.”

No arrests had been made as of 6 p.m.

[email protected]  661-287-5527  On Twitter @jamesarthurholt

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