Hart District high schools hold mock elections

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Students in the William S. Hart Union School District already voiced their opinions on the upcoming election ballot candidates and propositions.

Three high schools—Golden Valley, Valencia and Bowman—conducted their mock elections last week and released the results of their students’ voting decisions.


In the presidential race, students at all three high schools voted fairly similar to national polls and all elected Democrat Hillary Clinton as the next president of the United States.

According to Friday national poll data from Real Clear Politics, Americans are voting 45.3 percent for Clinton, 42.7 percent for Republican Donald Trump, 4.1 percent for Libertarian Gary Johnson and 2.1 percent for Green Party candidate Jill Stein.

Socialism and Liberation party candidate Gloria Estela La Riva, on the ballot in California, was not calculated into Real Clear Politics’ poll.

At Golden Valley, a total of 869 students participated in the mock election with 475 votes, or 54.6 percent, going to Clinton.

For the remaining candidates, 22.5 percent, or 196 votes, went to Trump, 11.1 percent went to Johnson, 6.5 percent went to Stein and 5.3 percent went to Estela La Riva.

At Valencia High School, the race was much closer between Clinton and Trump.  A total of 1,148 students voted in the mock election with 40.8 percent, or 468 votes, going to Clinton and 37.3 percent, or 428 votes, going to Trump.

With the remaining three candidates, 10.3 percent went to Johnson, 6.2 percent went to Estela La Riva and 5.4 percent went to Stein.

At Bowman High School, 155 students participated in mock elections organized by History Department Chair and Instructional Coach Stacey Killinger and ASB Director April Soria.

In this election, Clinton won with 64 votes, or 41 percent.  Trump was close behind with 48 votes, followed by Stein at 28 votes, Johnson at 8 votes and Estela La Riva at 7 votes.


In the mock California Senate race, students at both high schools voted differently than those in the Real Clear Politics poll, which has Kamala Harris defeating Loretta Sanchez 44.8 percent to 24.5 percent.

At Golden Valley, 818 students voted for Senate candidates and elected Sanchez with 482 vote, or 58.9 percent.  Harris received 336 votes or 41.1 percent of the vote.

Valencia High School saw similar results.  Sanchez won 554 of the 1,081 votes, or 51.2 percent, while Harris won 527 votes, or 41.1 percent.

Sanchez was also the popular choice at Bowman, which opted to elect Sanchez at 84 votes to Harris’ 55.


Students at Valencia, Golden Valley and Bowman voted yes on nearly all of the seven propositions on the mock election ballot.

All three schools voted yes on Prop 51, $9 billion in bonds for education and schools, Prop 54, public display of legislative bills prior to vote, Prop 55, extension of personal income taxes over $250,000, Prop 56, increase the cigarette tax by $2 per pack, and Prop 58, bilingual education in public schools.

Golden Valley voted yes on Prop 59, state’s position on Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, while Valencia and Bowman voted no.  At all schools, the vote was close at nearly 50 percent.

Valencia voted yes on Prop 67, prohibition on single-use carryout bags, while Golden Valley and Bowman voted no.  With this proposition, the vote was close as well.

Both high schools did not vote on the nine other propositions on the California ballot.  These measures include the repeal of the death penalty, background checks for ammunition purchases, drug price regulations, the legalization of marijuana and more.

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