Newhall School District’s Governing Board will tackle several topics related to Measure E and will hear a report on Ayuda, a pilot program for Spanish-speaking parents, during its regular meeting Tuesday.
Measure E
To expand and replace technology in the classroom, the district is looking to purchase 2,000 Lenovo Thinkpad Yoga computers for students in grades 3 to 6.
At $1,575,600, the 2,000 computers will include imaging, asset tagging and etching, headphones, mice and five-year warranty.
The purchase is part of Measure E’s Long Term Technology Expansion/Replacement Fund Structure, provided in January 2014 and designed to improve classroom technology during a nine-year period.
In order to enhance student capabilities, a 2:1 ratio for students to computing devices was approved by the board in December 2015. The final step in the technology initiative is a 1:1 ratio for students in grades 3 to 6.
According to the meeting agenda, the district will use a portion of the remaining $4 million General Obligation bonds for technology, issued in June 2017, to purchase the computers.
During Tuesday’s meeting the board will also approve the recommendation of Amanda Hezel to fill the vacancy on the Measure E Citizens’ Oversight Committee.
Hezel is a current member of the Assistance League of Santa Clarita, a former Leader/Trainer Coordinator for Cub Scout Pack 490 and has a child attending Meadows Elementary.
If approved, Hezel will serve on the Citizens’ Oversight Committee until March 2, 2017.
In terms of Measure E-funded construction, the board will approve two notices of completion for demolition and grading at Old Orchard Elementary School and casework at Old Orchard Elementary School.
The Santa Clarita Public Library will soon be testing Ayuda as a pilot program at Newhall Elementary School.
Originated at the Santa Clarita Public Library, Ayuda is designed to bring Spanish-speaking parents up to speed with technology and language skills needed to help their children with homework.
The eight-week program will provide lessons and training for 25 individuals from Jan. 13 to March 10 in the school’s computer lab. Those who are put on the program’s waitlist will be able to sign up for another program at the Old Town Newhall Library.
Both the Library and Newhall Elementary School will provide resources, personnel and technology to assist with the program’s functions.
The library hopes to train district staff and school staff to continue and expand the program in the future.
Additional Agenda Items:
- Presentation of After School Education and Safety Program (ASES) and Expanded Learning from Mary Jo Ginty, Los Angeles County’s expanded learning regional lead
- Consideration of approving Wiley Canyon’s and Oak Hills’ 2016/2017 Single Plan for Student Achievement
- First reading of Board Policies: Tobacco-Free Schools; Sexual Harassment; Bullying; Child Abuse Prevention and Reporting; Deletion of Child Abuse Reporting Requirements as outdated policy
- Second reading of Board Policies: Nondiscrimination/Harassment-Students; Sexual Harassment- Students
- Review of the Joint Powers Agreement (JPA) with the Santa Clarita Valley School Food Services Association (SCVSFSA)
- Review of change orders for Peachland Elementary School’s new classroom buildings and Old Orchard Elementary School’s new classroom buildings
- “Sunshining” of Newhall Educational Support Professionals (NESP) negotiations proposal and contract proposal
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On Twitter as @_ChristinaCox_