Newhall School Board to review district data, conduct public hearing


The Governing Board of the Newhall School District will review the district’s 2015-2016 Suspension and Expulsion Data based on student behaviors, conduct a public hearing about five-year developer fees and approve a contract with Mellady Direct Marketing at its meeting Tuesday.

Student offenses ranged from actions involving use of profanity to use of force or violence.

Governing Board members will review the 2015-2016 Suspension/Expulsion Data of the district to see the disciplinary strategies at each of the schools and its effect on student learning.

Districtwide data for the 2015-2016 school year reports that 61 students committed 96 offenses in the district’s 10 elementary schools.  These resulted in 76 out-of-school suspension, 13 in-school suspensions, three suspensions or expulsions.

At all 10 schools within the district, there were no recorded expulsions during the 2015-2016 school year.

Students offenses in 2015-2016 included possession, sale, furnishing a firearm, knife, explosive or other dangerous object; possession of an imitation firearm; possession, use, sale or furnishing a controlled substance, alcohol, intoxicant; sexual harassment; caused, attempted or threatened physical injury; used force or violence; obscene acts, profanity and vulgarity; disruption, defiance; bullying; and robbery or extortion.

During the meeting, the board will conduct a public hearing on the five-year developer fees collected by school districts on residential, commercial and industrial development within school district boundaries.

These fees are classified as restricted funds and support the construction and reconstruction of school facilities.  The fees cannot be used for “regular and routine maintenance of schools, asbestos mitigation and deferred maintenance projects.”

With its continued contract with Mellady Direct Marketing, the district will conduct an additional six-month promotional campaign for web-based advertising and video advertising in Santa Clarita Valley theaters and Antelope Valley theaters.

The year-long marketing campaign totaling more than $70,000 aims to increase enrollment numbers within the district by increasing community awareness, highlighting the district’s strengths and promoting the district to prospective students and families.

Promotional materials specifically focus on the district’s strength in the areas of technology, art, music, performance, science, academic support, fitness and enrichment.

Additional Agenda Items

  • Approval of Stevenson Ranch Transitional Kindergarten (TK) early and late start model schedule for 2017-2018 schoolyear
  • Accepting 2015-2016 Newhall School District Audit Report
  • Consideration of approving First Interim Budget Report for 2016-2017 fiscal year and 2016-2017 LCAP update
  • Consideration of approving Single Plan for Student Achievement at Meadows School, Valencia Valley School and Newhall School
  • Ratification of line extension contract with Southern California Gas Company for Old Orchard Elementary School to accommodate new classroom buildings
  • Consideration of approving California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) memorandum of understanding for survey of resiliency, protective factors and risk behavior to identify student needs

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On Twitter as @_ChristinaCox_

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