Santa Clarita unemployment rate dips


’Tis the season to be … employed.

Unemployment dipped in Santa Clarita from 4.6 percent in October to 4.4 percent in November, according to data released Friday by the state’s Employment Development Department.

That number reflects 93,300 residents collecting paychecks, out of a total city labor force of about 97,500. About 4,300 Santa Clarita residents were unemployed last month, according to the state data.

Los Angeles County reported a similar drop in unemployment, checking in at 4.8 percent November compared to October’s 5.1 percent.

Statewide, the unemployment number stood at 5.3 percent in November, down from 5.5 percent.

Burbank and Pasadena – similar-sized cities to Santa Clarita – followed the trend, with Burbank’s unemployment rate dropping from 4.3 percent to 3.9 percent, month to month, and Pasadena’s dropping from 4.5 percent to 4.3, according the state numbers.

Overall, Santa Clarita’s trend line has been pointed in a healthy direction. The city unemployment rate was 5 percent in July, 4.8 percent in August, 4.8 percent in September and 4.6 percent in October before November’s 4.4 reading.

County numbers have trended at 5.5 percent in July, 5.3 percent in August, 5.2 percent in September, to 5.1 percent in October.

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(661) 287-5525


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