Combining the mountains, forests and highways was what Corina Roberts had in mind when she put together the art exhibit that now sits inside the Old Town Newhall Library.
The walls are lined with artwork of mountains, forests and trees but also with pictures vehicles and motorcycles, a combination that one critic called “haphazard.”
“Somebody told me it couldn’t be done,” Roberts said.
“We need to build an awareness and a respect that the mountains are for everybody.”
The goal of the Highway 2, The Journey and the Destination art exhibit was to bring all mountain users together.
“We need to share the highways and the open spaces themselves,” Roberts said. “It blends all of the forest users.”
Forty pieces were on display with 33 artists contributing to the work.
In relation to the exhibit, various speakers came in on Saturday to speak about fires and how they relate to the environment that it burns.
The presentation, entitled Fire, Climate, and the Future of Open Space featured three speakers including Roberts, Wendy Walker and Jeff Zimmerman.
“I was interested in learning about recovering from fires,” Melanie Wilcox said.
Wilcox was evacuated during the Sand Fire, and felt that the presentations hit close to home.
“It’s very timely.”