Laundry room fire at Valencia seniors complex

Firefighters enter Oakmont of Santa Clarita assisted living in Valencia after a smoky fire in a laundry room evacuated dozens of residents from the building for a short time on Thursday morning. Dan Watson/The Signal

Fire in the laundry room of a senior citizens residential complex in Valencia kept firefighters busy for more than an hour Thursday morning.

No one hurt in the incident and no buildings at the assisted living complex were evacuated.

Los Angeles County Firefighters from at least half a dozen fire stations in the Santa Clarita Valley were dispatched shortly after 8 a.m. to reports of fire at a two-story “senior living facility” on the 28600 block of Newhall Ranch Road east of Interstate 5, Inspector Gustavo Medina told The Signal Thursday.

“The fire was on the first floor,” he said. “Firefighters found smoke on the first floor when they arrived.”

Firefighters “knocked down” the fire within about 15 minutes, Medina said. “The fire was in the laundry room.”

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