Newhall Crime Report
Week of 02/06/17- 02/12/17
Petty Theft – 23500 block of Lyons Avenue Person(s) unknown stole the victim’s security system from the front door of the business.
Vehicle Burglary – 24300 block of Newhall Avenue Person(s) unknown shattered the victim’s driver’s side rear window and stole camera equipment from within.
Vehicle Burglary – 5th St. / Walnut St. Person(s) unknown shattered the victim’s front passenger side window and stole the victim’s iPhone.
Commercial Burglary – 23300 block of Lyons Avenue Person(s) unknown forced entry into the business and ransacked the location. It was unknown at the time of the report if anything was stolen.
Burglary – 21200 block of Ficus Drive Person(s) unknown forced entry into the victim’s locked garage and stole tools.
Grand Theft – 24200 block of Pine Street Person(s) unknown stole the victim’s vehicle (2017 Honda Motorcycle) while parked inside the parking garage.
Vehicle Burglary – 23600 block of Newhall Avenue Person(s) unknown entered the victim’s vehicle by unknown means and stole the victim’s wallet containing numerous credit cards along with a garage door opener.
Attempt Petty Theft – 24900 block of Railroad Avenue Person(s) unknown entered the victim’s unlocked vehicle and rummaged through it. Nothing appeared to have been stolen.
Commercial Burglary – 24900 block of Railroad Avenue Person(s) unknown forced entry into the business. Nothing appeared to have been stolen.
Vehicle Burglary – 23600 block of Newhall Avenue Person(s) unknown shattered the victim’s driver’s side window and stole the victim’s gate remote. Vehicle Burglary – 23600 block of Newhall Avenue Person(s) unknown shattered the victim’s passenger side window and stole important documents.
Vehicle Burglary – 24200 block of Race Street The suspect shattered the victim’s window and ransacked the victim’s vehicle. The suspect was arrested by responding deputies.
Robbery – 24500 block of Lyons Avenue
The suspect stole an ATM machine from the business. The suspect was later arrested.
It can take seconds for a thief to steal something from your car, so never leave valuables inside. Most vehicle crime is preventable. Don’t make your car a target for thieves by leaving such sought after items such as purses, wallets, lap top computers and cell phones in plain view. Always check you have closed all your windows and locked the doors before leaving your car unattended. While there’s no surefire way to totally prevent your car from being broken into keeping these tips in mind can make your car less of a target.
Deputy Betsy Shackelford
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station
Crime Prevention Unit- Newhall (Zone 6)
Station: (661) 255-1121 Ext. 4283 Fax: (661) 253-0124 Twitter @SCVSheriff SCV Station Homepage - Facebook -