State housing inspectors are expected to visit a Newhall mobile home park Friday after learning the park’s septic system had failed recently.
Investigators with the state’s Department of Housing and Community Development, which oversees the operation of California mobile home parks, are expected to visit the Crescent Valley Mobile Home Park on The Old Road Friday morning.
Although the cause of the septic system failure was not disclosed. the park has been prone to mud flows since 2015 when the Calgrove Fire stripped nearby hills of vegetation that would normally have stabilized the soil.
“We’re sending out an inspector to the park first thing in the morning to investigate the sewer system,” Evan Gerberding, spokesman for the Housing and Community Development told The Signal Thursday.
Crescent Valley sparked concern among Los Angeles County Department of Public Works officials more than a year ago when mud flows after heavy rains became a persistent problem for park residents.
On Tuesday, planners with the Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning approved an application submitted by park owners – Crescent Valley MHC, LLC – for permission to replace a failed septic system.
The owners needed the county’s permission since the repair plans are expected to encroach on 63 of the park’s oak trees.
They need a special oak tree permit to make the repairs close to the trees, Regional Planner Thuy Hua told The Signal Thursday.
“They had to come to us for permission,” Hua said.
Hua said the county’s concern was for the protection of oak tree “root structure.”
Phone calls and emails placed with Crescent Valley MHC, LLC, were not returned.
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