Knight still believes Trump should release tax returns

Congressman Steve Knight answers questions from constiuents during a town hall at the Chimbole Cultural Center in Palmdale on March 4. Katharine Lotze/The Signal

Despite speculation otherwise, Rep. Steve Knight stands by his belief that President Trump should release his tax returns.

As his March 4 town hall meeting in Palmdale came to a close, constituents chanted for the congressman to discuss his stance on the president’s taxes.

“I believe that President Trump should release his taxes,” Knight said to close out the event.

On March 7, Democratic Congresswoman Anna Eshoo offered a resolution to direct the House Ways and Means Committee to request the president’s taxes returns. The resolution would have allowed the members to bypass the normal committee process and introduce a bill directly on the floor.

However, HR 305, known as the Presidential Tax Transparency Act, did not meet the requirements needed to be deemed a point of privilege, to which Eshoo appealed the ruling.

“Rep. Knight believes such a serious matter must be considered through regular order by the House of Representatives beginning with the committee process in the Ways and Means Committee,” Knight’s Communications Director Dan Outlaw said.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy filed a motion to table the appeal, which passed with a 227 to 186 vote. Rep. Knight voted to table the appeal, but did not vote on a bill regarding Trump’s tax returns at any point.

“Rep. Knight believes that like other presidents before him, Donald Trump should disclose his full tax returns to put this issue to rest once and for all, though he disagrees with the tactics being pursued by his colleagues on the other side of the aisle to bypass the legislative process to accomplish this,” Outlaw said. “Rep. Knight looks forward to reviewing this legislation as it proceeds through the established House process for voting on all important pieces of legislation.”

Stay up-to-date on Knight’s voting record at

Readers can also view the live streamed town hall meeting in Palmdale on March 4 in which Knight stated he believed Trump should in fact release his taxes.

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