Saugus family victimized by military-hating vandals

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Someone near Saugus High School does not like the US military as witnessed this week by the spraypainting – twice – of a family truck that displayed a sticker in support of the military.

“My daughter came out of school and found someone had spraypainted, in red, over the whole sticker,” Stefanie Fryer told The Signal.  The sticker read: Proud parent of a soldier.

Vandals hit the Fryer’s black Ford F250 truck on Tuesday, sometime between 6:30 a.m. and noon, as it sat parked on a street near the school, Fryer said.

The Fryers, fortunately, had another sticker which they affixed to the rear window on the passenger side where the destroyed sticker had been.

“We also wrote ‘Go Navy and Support our Troops’ in white washable paint on the rear window,” Fryer said.

The military-hating vandals would have none of that.

On Thursday, they spraypainted the entire rear window and the new sticker, making a particular note to edit the window slogan to read: Don’t support our troops.

Fryer checked with her two daughters who attend the school – a freshman and a junior – to see if they had made any recent enemies.

The answer was “no” and born out by the fact that when one of the daughters drives the family’s sticker-less Honda Civic, no vandalism occurs.

“We have no idea who is doing this,” Fryer said, noting that she phoned the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station and filed a report.

The cost of the most recent act of vandalism is expected to cost the family a considerable amount of money to repair the damage, she said.

Fryer is thinking about setting up a  GoFundme account to raise money for the repairs.

“If someone is caught for this, they should be made to go through a US Marine Corps boot camp or volunteer at a VA (Veterans Administration) hospital,” Fryer said.

“With the incidents happening near the Saugus campus, our site administration was notified,” said Dave Caldwell, spokesman for the William S. Hart Union High School District.

“The school resource officer (part of the Sheriff’s Department) was contacted immediately and they are investigating,” he said.

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