Crime Blotter: Stevenson Ranch, Zone 3: April 24, 2017 – April 30, 2017

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Here is the Stevenson Ranch Crime Information and Public Safety Report for the Week of April 24, 2017 to April 30, 2017:


Burglary – 25200 blk Pico Canyon Road
Person(s) unknown stole a hedge shear, two tree pruners, and a pair of leg guards from a storage unit at the location. There were no signs of forced entry. Total loss was $230.00.

Attempt Burglary – 26800 blk Kendall Lane
The victim was in the bedroom of his home when he heard someone tampering with the rear sliding glass door of his home. The victim immediately called 911. Deputies searched the area but were unable to locate the suspect. Deputies examined the rear door of the location and determined that it had been tampered with.

Grand Theft – 25300 blk The Old Road
Person(s) unknown stole the victim’s jewelry box containing a gold bracelet and a gold ring with six diamonds. The victim stated that he had hidden the items under a couch cushion prior to checking out of the hotel, because he had intentions of rebooking the same room. The room had already been cleaned prior to the victim’s return. Total loss was $7,100.00.


Burglary (Vehicle) – 27500 blk The Old Road
Person(s) unknown smashed the driver’s side window of the victim’s vehicle and stole her ‘Nikon’ digital camera and designer sunglasses. Total loss was $1,750.00.

Tip of the Week: Securing Tool and Storage Sheds
If you have a tool or storage shed in your back yard, you probably use it to store landscaping equipment or household items. Due to the size of these buildings, they are often visible from the public street. These can often be a target for thieves. Always keep a lock on your shed, and additionally on any gates which access your back yard. Thieves are looking for easy, quick, and quiet access to items. The more of a deterrent that we can create, the less likely thieves will be tempted to target our neighborhoods.

Take care, and be safe.

Dep Kevin Duxbury
[email protected]

FW by: Shirley Miller, Public Information Officer
Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
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Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station polices the City of Santa Clarita and the unincorporated communities and a portion of the Angeles National Forest, as well as Bouquet Canyon, Canyon County, Castaic, Gorman, Hasley Canyon, Newhall, Neenach, Sand Canyon, Santa Clarita, Saugus, Six Flags Magic Mountain, Sleepy Valley, Southern Oaks, Stevenson Ranch, Sunset Point, Tesoro del Valle, Valencia, Val Verde, West Hills and West Ranch.

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