Commercial Burglary- 20800 block of Centre Pointe Parkway, one suspect was arrested after he stole the victim’s purse from her unlocked vehicle and used the stolen credit card to purchase an apple iPad from local Walmart. The victim obtained a description of the suspect from Walmart loss prevention and called the police while maintaining a visual on the suspect pending deputies arrival. The suspect was arrested and all property was returned to victims.
Grand Theft Auto- Kesley Street x Highpoint Place, person(s) unknown stole the victim’s vehicle which was parked near the above location.
Attempt Vehicle Burglary– 18400 block of Oak Canyon Road, person(s) unknown shattered the front passenger window to the victim’s vehicle. No property was taken.
Grand Theft Auto- Canyon Park Boulevard at Jason Drive, person(s) unknown stole the victim’s vehicle which was parked near the above location.
Residential Burglary- 28000 block of Croco Place, person(s) unknown forced entry into the victim’s residence through a kitchen window. The victim could not find anything out of place or missing.
Grand Theft Auto- 17900 block of Wellhaven Street, person(s) unknown stole the victim’s vehicle which was parked near the above location.
Grand Theft- 20400 block of Soledad Canyon Road, person(s) unknown stole cash and  a violin from the victim’s closet.
Shoplifting- 18500 block of Soledad Canyon Road, one suspect was arrested for taking store items and making no attempt to pay for the items.
Aggravated Assault- 18200 block of Soledad Canyon Road, one suspect was arrested after she smashed the victim’s head into a bathroom wall numerous times during an argument regarding the victim dating the suspect’s ex-boyfriend.
Vehicle Burglary- 18700 block of Kimbrough Street, person(s) unknown forced entry into the victim’s vehicle and stole baseball equipment.
Aggravated Assault- 26700 block of Flo Lane, the victim stated she was struck numerous times in the face by her friend during an argument about how she made him homeless.
Residential Burglary– 26900 block of Flo Lane, person(s) unknown forced entry into the victim’s garage and stole $20 in rolled coins, and a purse containing credit cards in the victim’s name.
Robbery- Jakes Way x Manzanita Lane, one suspect was arrested after he attempted to rip a laptop from the victim’s hands while she was holding her infant daughter. The suspect was unsuccessful in obtaining the computer. During the investigation, the suspect was additionally charged with child endangerment and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Vehicle Burglary- 27200 block of Cloverhurst Place, person(s) unknown forced entry into the victim’s vehicle and stole the registration and $35 in cash.
Aggravated Assault- 18000 block of Soledad Canyon Road, the victim was stabbed in the upper left arm during a physical altercation between his girlfriend and ex-girlfriend. The victim and his girlfriend ran away after the incident where police and medical personnel arrived and treated him for non-life threatening injuries.
Commercial Burglary- 27200 block of Camp Plenty Road, person(s) unknown forced entry into a business near the above location and stole the cash register which contained approximately $250 in cash.
Source: Los Angeles County Sheriff – Santa Clarita Valley Station