Council to consider emergency ordinance for firework violations

City of Santa Clarita City Hall

Anticipating sparks will fly as Fourth of July approaches, city council members will consider implementing an emergency ordinance to enforce fines for firework violations.

According to chapter 9.60 of Santa Clarita’s municipal code, it is completely illegal to buy, sell or possess fireworks of any kind within city limits. The code was last updated in 2008.

For those who violate the law, a first offense is $500 and a second offense is $1,000.

Councilwoman Marsha McLean said illegal fireworks have been a problem in the city for years in the weeks surrounding Independence Day.

“It is a problem we have in Santa Clarita that we absolutely need to address,” McLean said. “Every year, we hear from our residents that this is a problem.”

From personal experience, McLean has neighbors who set off cherry bomb fireworks, which she said frightens animals and children.

Also, the councilwoman expressed concern with the danger of fireworks during fire season.

McLean encourages residents to use the Santa Clarita Sheriff’s Station’s anonymous hotline to report fireworks at (661) 255-1121.

Owning a water factory

A recycled water factory in the 185-acre Vista Canyon project is set to be approved for funding at Tuesday’s council meeting as well.

According to the city, the fully-developed Vista Canyon project will generate about 392,000 gallons of wastewater a day.

The Vista Canyon Recycled Water Factory will be owned and operated by the city, who will contract with MNS Engineers, Inc. for $444,828.

Construction for the factory, estimated at $10 million for Vista Canyon Ranch, LLC, is anticipated to begin in July and take 14 months to complete.

Funding homes for veterans

On the affordable housing front, the city is set to give Habitat for Humanity $350,000 to continue their Enriched Neighborhood Affordable Housing Veterans’ project.

The project will result in 78 total homes, 54 of which have already been built in the first two phases. The last 24 are already under construction and will be completed using the funding from the city.

“I am proud of the 78 homes we are building as part of this community and of the services we provide our veterans,” Hunt Braly, Chairman of the Board of Habitat for Humanity SF/SCV told The Signal. “I am grateful to the city and the county for their support.”

Selecting a delegate

Council members will also select a voting delegate among themselves to serve as a representative at the California League of Cities annual business meeting.

The conference will take place in mid-September at the Sacramento Convention Center and allows members to consider and take action on League policies.

In the League’s Los Angeles County Division, Councilwoman McLean serves as the delegate and Mayor Cameron Smyth serves as the alternate.

Continuing the conversation on mobile homes

In the ongoing conversation concerning changes to the mobile home park municipal code, the council will read the updated version at the meeting.

The code, which was originally written in 1991, was intended to prevent mobile home park residents from overpaying rent and prevent owners from being underpaid.

Recently, community members have expressed concern with costs for capital improvements and the process of appeal hearings.

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