SOURCE: City of Santa Clarita
City Begins Annual Resurfacing of Arterial and Neighborhood Streets
On Monday, June 12, the City of Santa Clarita will begin its annual Road Rehab project which will include a slurry seal and overlay road treatment to improve City roadways and extend their life.
This project will continue through the summer months. Residents are asked to be aware of work being done in and around their neighborhoods and to alter parking and driving accordingly.
The Road Rehab website features frequently asked questions and tips for residents to ensure resurfacing goes quickly and efficiently.
An interactive map is also available which allows residents to find their street on the map to see if slurry seal or overlay will be administered and an approximate date for resurfacing.
Door hangers and handbills will also be distributed to homes that will be affected throughout the course of the project. Residents may also be affected by Road Rehab construction on adjacent streets.
All cars in the “No Parking” zone during construction time will be towed. Construction may occur anytime between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.
The City of Santa Clarita appreciates the community’s cooperation and support, and will work hard to minimize inconvenience.
Additional instructions and Road Rehab information, including the interactive map, can be found at For any questions or concerns, residents may contact the project hotline at (661) 290-2291.