Local activist announces candidacy for city council

Logan Smith speaks at a rally. Courtesy of Chad Kampbell.

It’s not uncommon for Logan Smith to be seen with a bullhorn in hand, rallying activists together at events and protests.

A Santa Clarita resident since 2004, the outspoken Democrat is no stranger to the political world, serving as a field representative for several campaigns and causes.

On Monday, Smith announced his next move of political advocacy: running for city council.

“I’m not running for myself, I’m running for all of us,” Logan Smith said.  “I alone do not win a city council race. It’s going to take a lot of people.”

Through his campaign, Smith said he wants to build a “people-powered movement.”

For a long time, Smith preferred to be on the rallying side of political conversations, but after hearing Bernie Sanders speak about the need for ordinary people to run for office at the People’s Summit in Chicago, he felt called to run for office.

“It’s not about having a voice, but giving other people a voice,” he said. “It should be a big table and everyone should have a seat.”

His ability to organize and unite a community and empathize with people’s struggles make him well suited for the campaign trail, he said.

Also, he is not deterred by starting as the underdog.

“Those who say it is impossible should not interrupt those who are doing it,” he said.

Logan Smith works at a meet and greet event. Courtesy of Smith for City Council.

Though Smith is known around the city for his left-leaning ideology, he said he knows council elections ought to stay nonpartisan and intends to focus on issues that bring both sides of the political spectrum together.

“We should be standing up for our neighbors and not for the letter next to your name on the voter registration form,” he said.

Currently serving as the field organizer for the California Clean Money Campaign, the 24-year-old said transparency in finances will be one of the core issues he focuses on.

“That is an issue we deal with at every level of government,” Smith said.

Currently, the Clean Money Campaign is working on legislation that would require political advertisements to say who they were funded by, which Smith said would be important in Santa Clarita as well.

Among other topics Smith would focus on as a council member are homelessness, the opioid epidemic, small businesses and the environment. He also said he wants to consider dividing the city into council districts.

Though the polls will not open for nearly a year and a half, Smith said he wants to get to work making change in the community starting now.

The Valencia High School alumnus and College of the Canyons student said being young will allow him to better represent a larger portion of Santa Clarita’s population.

“We need new ideas and new voices,” Smith said.

Citing former Ohio State Senator Nina Turner, Smith said he feels it is important that politicians do not prioritize the next election over the next generation.

Smith has been endorsed by Congressman Ro Khanna (CA-17), Lieutenant Governor Candidate Gayle McLaughlin and CADEM Environmental Caucus Chair R.L. Miller, among others.

To learn more about Logan Smith’s campaign, visit his website smithforsantaclarita.com or follow him @SmithforSC on Twitter or Instagram.

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