Agnes Chanel is in the process of moving away from the Santa Clarita temporarily, so she was more than thankful to hear that Eternal Valley Memorial Park would be holding their annual shredding event on Saturday.
“It’s a service to the community,” she said. “That is part of the reason why we will eventually be moving back to the Santa Clarita, because of all the community engagement.
Eternal Valley held their annual event with a goal in mind.
While they know that residents expect them to offer their typical services, they wanted to be apart of the community.
“We do funerals, cemetery services, but people don’t know we’re very active in the community also,” said Curtis Woods, general manager of Eternal Valley Memorial Park.
Woods explained that having events such as the one on Saturday helps people feel a bit more comfortable with their local morticians and centenarians.
“They stereotype us to be like the Addams Family or the Munsters or something like that, like we’re scary folks,” Woods said.
“My son is in little league, my daughter dances, this is one thing for us to express that we are regular people.”