Louis J. Brousseau, Jr. – WWII Veteran – Canyon Country Resident

Lou Brousseau, B-24 Gunner & Radioman. Courtesy photo


It is with great sadness that I must report WWII Veteran Louis J. Brousseau, Jr. passed away at 10:39 p.m. on Sept. 5, 2017.

Lou maintained his wonderful sense of humor right to the end and pointed to the heavens as he passed on . . .

Funeral arrangements are pending.

This Veterans Page, originally published January 6, 2017, is republished to honor this great American.

Ski Jumper

Louis J. Brousseau, Jr. was born Sept. 14, 1919 in Proctor, Minnesota, but he lived in nearby Alborn until the 6th grade when his family moved north to Bovey. There, he graduated from Greenway High School in 1937.

Lou then attended Itasca Community College earning an AA degree in pursuit of an engineering degree. Lou also obtained his pilot license.

An avid snow skier, Lou qualified as a Ski Jumper for the Sapporo, Japan 1940 Winter Olympics, however, it was cancelled due to WWII starting at that time.

Pearl Harbor

During 1939, Lou visited California via a skiing scholarship. Later, after finishing college, he returned to stay with Aunt Laura in Glendale. While there, the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor sending shock waves across America.

Lou Brousseau’s Ski Team

Lou’s Dad, realizing his son was a pilot, hence a prime candidate for the Army Air Corps, phoned Lou and said, “Don’t you be in a hurry to enlist”.

Lou chuckled in response, “But Dad, I’ve already enlisted!”

B-24 Liberator Training

Soon Lou was at Kelly Field near San Antonio, Texas for pre-flight training, then to Spartan School of Aeronautics at Tulsa, Oklahoma for pilot training.

Next, Lou was sent to Chanute Field, Illinois for electronics and antenna courses. Then, it was more training in Morse code, camouflage, airplane structure, and aircraft identification at Waco, Texas.

Next, Lou was assigned to Lemoore Field, California where 10 man crews were assigned to fly B-24 Heavy Bombers and then it was to Tonopah Air Base, Nevada. It was here that Lou and his crewmen had overseas training to learn everything possible about flying and working B-24 Liberators. They ran bombing practices, honed their navigation skills and gunners practice.

Lou became a radioman responsible for communications and operating a new device called radar.

Lou Brousseau & his B-24 Crew. Courtesy photo

South Pacific Liberation

In March 1943, Lou and his crew departed Tonopah by train to San Francisco, California, then on to Hickham Field, Oahu, Hawaii via troop ship where they were assigned to the 5th Bombardment Group, 72nd Squadron – 13th Army Air Corp.

Soon they were in New Guinea taking jungle training and learning how to survive should Japanese gunners shoot them down.

It wasn’t long before they were conducting bombing missions all over the South Pacific islands held by Japanese forces.

Lou’s B-24 Heavy Bomber was well suited for bombing runs over Fiji, Rabaul, Guadalcanal, Los Negros, Luzon, Samar, Borneo, Tarakan, Balikpapan, and Formosa.

They logged in 32 combat missions along with a dozen or more search and rescue missions for downed flight crews.

Beware of Head Hunters

On a mission over Borneo, one of Lou’s fellow B-24’s was hit resulting in a crash landing and they encountered indigenous head hunters where they saw Japanese heads mounted on poles.

Thankfully, Australian troops arrived by boat just in time to save the day.

On another mission over Borneo, Lou’s plane lost two engines and they emergency landed at Brunei Bay’s runway, which only days before had been captured by the Aussies.

Not only were those bombing missions dangerous, it was a harsh and cramped environment aboard those non pressurized B-24’s, sarcastically nicknamed “Flying Boxcars.”

Lou Brousseau on a Bombing Mission. Courtesy photo

They flew at high altitudes, with no insulation and it was often freezing cold. It was also deafeningly loud. Oxygen tanks were required and they communicated with each other using throat mikes.

“If the conditions didn’t take you out, you still had the Japanese and head hunters to worry about,” Lou said.

Those brave warriors who survived their intense environment, enemy fighter planes and anti-aircraft flak were products of the Great Depression. They grew up living in hardship and they were adaptable as their very lives were at stake, let alone freedom for all Americans.

Victory was not an option for our Greatest Generation, it was mandatory.

Lou Brousseau’s Unit Patch

Unconditional Surrender

While at Samar Island in the Philippines, Lou received news that the Japanese had surrendered and everyone rejoiced realizing they would soon head home.

After island hopping across the South Pacific they landed at Hickham Field and then went on to Sacramento, with a train ride to Denver, Colorado.

Lou was honorably discharged as an E-7 Technical Sergeant Nov. 5, 1946.

Lou’s awards include The National Defense Medal, American Campaign Medal, WWII Victory Medal, Air Medal for Meritorious Service, Asiatic Pacific Campaign Medal, and the Presidential Unit Citation.

1941 Packard Convertible

Soon, Lou was home in Bovey, Minnesota resuming a normal life.

Well, maybe not so normal to most people. Lou landed a job at Miller Funeral Home which began a lifelong career in the mortuary business.

Lou attended San Francisco’s College of Mortuary Science earning a Bachelor of Science Degree in 1948.

Lou & Estelle Brousseau’s Wedding Day. Courtesy photo

He moved to the San Fernando Valley landing an apprenticeship with Nobel Chapel Mortuary.

Ultimately, Lou purchased his own funeral home in Tujunga, California which he operated for 30 years.

Along the way, he met his future wife, Estelle Meastas at a Gardena dance club.

She saw Lou as the life of the party, a joker and a big spender. Plus, he drove a fancy 1941 Packard convertible.

She thought he was a big show off, but while drinking and dancing, Lou offered to escort her for early mass the next morning. Figuring that was a long shot, she agreed.

When Lou arrived the next morning on time, properly attired, she knew he was it.

A year later, Lou and Estelle were married at St. Kevin’s Church in Los Angeles May 28, 1949.

They were married 67 years until Estelle’s passing on Feb. 13, 2015.

Lou and Estelle had four daughters and one son, a “blue baby” who passed away at one-year old.

During Lou’s career he dedicated free services to all families who lost their babies.

“It’s been a great life,” Lou said.

I say, Lou’s longevity resulted from good karma.

Lou Brousseau Saying “So Long.” Courtesy photo

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