The district’s preliminary results from the state’s standardized tests are expected to be discussed during the Newhall School District’s Governing Board meeting Tuesday.
Based on the Common Core Standards, the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) assessments test students in third grade to eighth grade and eleventh grade.
The assessments include a computer adaptive test and performance tasks to measure each student’s academic performance in English Language Arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics.
Earlier this week, the California Department of Education announced that the public results for the CAASPP have been delayed indefinitely due to a data error in 25,000 special education students’ scores.
However, the Newhall School District has preliminary results that it is expected to review during a presentation Tuesday.
According to the agenda item, the CAASPP indicate that the district shows strong results in ELA and math across all grade levels.
It also indicates that there is an achievement gap between Economically Disadvantaged and English Learner students and other student groups for both ELA and math.
The presentation will also share information about the district’s assessments for first grade students in reading and math fluency, as well as California English Language Development Test (CELDT) data.
Title 1 Professional Development
The Governing Board is also expected to approve an agreement with Solution Tree, Inc. for onsite professional development services to support the district’s five Title 1 schools.
Through this agreement, teachers at each of the Title 1 schools will have at least four additional ways to work with a Solution Tree Consultant on core math instructional practices and response to intervention efforts.
Solution Tree will also support and train new teachers, Resource Specialist Program (RSP) teachers and Special Day Class (SDC) teachers who did not participate in concept training last year during the district’s math implementation.
The services for the 2017-18 and 2018-18 school year will cost $165,600 and will be funded by carryover Title I funds.
The Governing Board is also expected to approve the Unaudited Actuals Report for the 2016-17 fiscal year, which summaries the financial transactions for the year.
According to the report, financial transactions created an overall next increase in the district’s ending fund balance by $371,850 or by 3.83 percent.
This is due to both a decrease in expenses by $1,583,022 and a decrease in revenues by $1,211,172.
However, despite the decreases, the combined (Restricted and Unrestricted) Ending Fund Balance increased to $10,070,745 from the $9,698,895 budgeted in June 2017.
The district said this net increase is due to “lower than projected expenditures than were budgeted.”
Following the Unaudited Actuals Report, the district is expected to update its 2017-18Multi-Year Projections in the First Interim budget to reflect a new beginning balance for the 2017-18 fiscal year.
Additional Agenda Items
- Hold public hearing and adopt resolution stating that all district materials purchased under the State Instructional Materials Funding Program are sufficient and are in compliance with Education Code, and that all materials are aligned with California standards
- Conduct a first reading of revised board policies: Representatives; Governing Board Elections; Deletion of Calendar Covering School District Board Elections; Limits of Board Member Authority; Conflict of Interest; Closed Session Purposes and Agendas; Meeting Conduct; and Actions By the Board
- Approve change orders for Newhall Elementary Auditorium Renovation to Reliable Floor Covering, Inc. for $2,168.68 for additional labor, materials and primer
- Approve resolution establishing district appropriation limits for 2017-18
- Approve Memorandum of Understanding with Dr. Elliot Schlang and Big Smiles to pilot on-site, school-based dental care at no cost at Wiley Canyon Elementary School
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On Twitter as @_ChristinaCox_