Donning party hats and holding signs and balloons, Charles Helmers Elementary School students were awarded first place in Santa Clarita’s 30 Things for 30 Years contest at the City Council meeting on Tuesday.
Elementary school students and groups across the city were challenged to celebrate three decades of cityhood with a project that was 30-themed.
Charles Helmers students collaborated on a week of giving where they donated to 30 charities and organizations in Santa Clarita, including stuffed animals for children at Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital and pet supplies for animal shelters.
“It was our students and our student community who did all of the groundwork,” Principal Pete Bland said at the council meeting. “I just want to say how amazed and how proud of our students I am. You guys did an outstanding job.”

As their reward, Charles Helmers will be treated to a party with birthday cake, music, games, balloons, a chance to learn more about the city’s history and visits from the City Council, Fire Department, Sheriff’s Department and California Highway Patrol on the city’s birthday.
“The students and staff at Charles Helmers Elementary School really impressed us with their school-wide participation and the volume of their generosity,” Mayor Cameron Smyth said in a statement. “We were honored to have so many students, parents and teachers attend our council meeting and we are looking forward to celebrating with the entire school at their party on Dec. 15.”
The city received almost two dozen entries for the contest, including drawings of 30 things students love about Santa Clarita, photos of 30 places one student liked to go with her father that were wheelchair accessible, a video of one student riding 30 waves, kindergarteners saying “happy birthday” in 30 languages, a class doing 30 jumping jacks and a poem about the city.
“The 30 Things for 30 Years contest was such a clever way for the city to share the celebration of its 30th birthday with the students of Santa Clarita,” Dr. Joan Lucid, Superintendent of the Saugus Union School District said in a statement. “We are so pleased to be included in that celebration.”
To view all of the submissions for the contest, visit