Santa Clarita now has a one-stop shop for residents who are interested learning more about the City Council’s stance on legislation.
The city’s website has launched a new webpage where locals can access information when the Council takes a formal stance on state and federal bills.
Just this year, Council members have taken a stand on 13 different pieces of legislation, according to Intergovernmental Relations Manager Michael Murphy.
This site will be especially helpful for community organizations who want to take a stance on legislation themselves and want more information, Murphy said.
Prior to the site, it was common practice for the city to send a copy of the Council agenda report and the letter to the legislators to the individual inquiring about the bill.
“If we go ahead and post it, then it’s easily accessible for folks to find than having to call to get information,” Murphy said.
Each bill listed on the site includes a link to the bill’s text, the bill’s status, the city’s staff report, letters to elected officials, a summary of the bill and a concluding statement.
Some bills currently on the web page include support for Assembly Bill 1172, which was Assemblyman Dante Acosta’s bill that gave over control of Sierra Highway to the city and opposition for Senate Bill 649, which would have put cell phone service equipment in the city.
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