Three nabbed for illegal drugs in Newhall operation


Three adults were arrested in an apparent drug bust in a Santa Clarita home Thursday morning, according to a sheriff’s department social media post.

The drug investigation took place on Valley Street in Newhall, south of Lyons Avenue.

Deputies served search warrants and subsequently detained 48-year-old Connie Daniel and 35-year-old Kevin Harsla for possession of methamphetamine for sales. Deputies arrested a third suspect, 50-year-old Kenneth Haynie, for possession of methamphetamine.

Officials expressed hope for the bust to remind drug offenders that law enforcement holds no tolerance for illegal drug use in the Santa Clarita Valley.

In the Facebook post, the sheriff’s department referred to a previous operation at a Canyon Country home. In that case, several arrests were made.

“We heard a rumor that house is up for sale now,” the post said, referring to the earlier operation. “If true – we’re really glad the message got across.”

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