Knight bill aims to level federal contract playing field for small businesses


New bipartisan legislation co-sponsored by Rep. Steve Knight, R-Palmdale, aims to make small businesses more competitive when vying for a federal contract.

Backers of the Change Order Transparency for Federal Contractors Act say it will increase transparency by providing contractors and subcontractors information needed when planning to bid for federal contracts.

“This bill will make it significantly easier for small businesses to compete and prepare for federal contracts. By increasing transparency and providing prior contract history, this will allow small businesses to compete with larger corporations who may have more institutional relationships with agencies,” Knight said. “I want to thank Congressman (Don) Bacon for his leadership in sponsoring this bill and I look forward to working with my colleagues to advance this through the legislative process.”

Bacon, a Nebraska Republican and the original author of the bill, said requests for contract adjustments, known as change orders, happen frequently on federal construction projects and contractors often do not know the government’s change order processes prior to submitting a bid.

“Small business contractors deserve to know all relevant information before entering into a contract with a federal agency,” Bacon said. “Currently, small businesses waste time and money while waiting for the approval of their change order requests. Across the United States and in Nebraska, many small contractors and subcontractors will now have the opportunity to compete on a level playing field and achieve greater financial health for their companies.”

Al Lawson and Stephanie Murphy, Florida Democrats and co-sponsors of the bill, said the measure would level the playing field.

“Small businesses help build our communities and promote economic growth,” Lawson said. “It is vital for small business owners to not only get a seat at the table, but to have the same vantage point when competing for federal contracts. This legislation by Rep. Bacon will alleviate red tape and open more doors for opportunity.”

Murphy added: “Small businesses deserve to know the contract history of federal agencies, including their policies and practices related to change orders, before they decide to bid for a contract with that agency. I’m proud to help introduce this bipartisan bill with Congressman Bacon so that small businesses are empowered to make informed decisions when it comes to competing for government contracts.”

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