Sulphur Springs Board to review salary increase for classified employees

Sulphur Springs Union School District administrative offices. Nikolas Samuels/The Signal

Classified employees in the Sulphur Springs Union School District could see a salary increase of 2 percent for the 2016-17 contract year, according to an agenda item from the district’s upcoming Governing Board meeting Wednesday.

If approved, the tentative agreement with CSEA Chapter 298 would result in a 2 percent salary increase for all classified positions in the district.

“It would be negotiations for the 2016-17 year which carried over into this year,” Board President Ken Chase said.  “This is just for our agreement with the classified union.  We already approved previously the one with the teachers union and it puts everyone on the same schedule.  I really want to thank both unions for working with us to get this accomplished.”

If the agreement is approved by the board, members are then expected to approve on salary increases for the district’s Noon Supervisor, 2017-2018 Confidential employees, 2017-2018 Unrepresented employees, 2017-2018 Management employees and 2017-2018 Supervisory employees.

Following these changes, the board is expected to approve of amendments to employment contracts for Assistant Superintendent of Personnel/Pupil Service Joshua Randall, Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services Kathy Harris and Assistant Superintendent of Business Services Michele Gookins that also reflect salary increases.

“Following that part of the agenda, assuming it is approved, we will also approve the new pay schedules that reflect the agreement that was reached,” Chase said.

Technology TOSA

The board is also expected to hear a presentation from the district’s Technology Teacher on Special Assignment (TOSA) Stephanie Cruz.

The Technology TOSA fits under the district’s Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP) that includes a goal to maintain a specialized position to support instructional technology.

Cruz’ presentation to the board is expected to include information about the ways the TOSA position is helping teachers and students with the use of instructional technology to “support mastery of grade level standards and to prepare students for college and career.”

This year, Cruz held several professional development opportunities for teachers that included training on district’s new ELA curriculum Benchmark Advance, individualized assistance for grade levels, training for substitute teachers and sharing new EdTech with the district.

Cruz also formed the EdTech AVSCV collaborative, attended conferences and workshops and presented at summits.

She is also working to support the “Teacher Growth Mindset” by modeling lesson plans, guiding the implementation of Google Classroom and helping teachers use EdTech.

In the future, she hopes to support schools in growing their Makerspaces, implement computer science clubs, host family coding events and form collaborative relationships with junior high and high schools.

Achieve3000 Pilot Program

Sulphur Springs Community School is expected to pilot the Achieve3000’s Smarty Ants program during the remainder of the school year.

Funded by an Ahieve3000 Students FIRST Grant, the research-based, intervention program for primary students differentiates instruction in foundational reading skills and accelerates student achievement.

Through an adaptive computer program, students practice their own individual student and reading foundational skills, and teachers monitor student progress through reports.

Additional Agenda Items

  • Approve of all nine schools’ 2016-2017 School Accountability Report Cards
  • Approve of annual reportable fees for the 2016-17 fiscal year where $1,149,028 was spent in connection with school facilities to accommodate additional students from new developments
  • Approve of resolution authorizing the issuance of special tax bonds and approving certain documents as the legislative body of Community Facilities District No. 2006-1
  • Approve of IXL Learning renewal for Special Day Class (SDC) students to access and practice English Language Arts and math skills at their instructional levels online

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