Resource parents needed to foster or foster-adopt a child


Adoption is a meaningful way for individuals and couples to fulfill their dream of parenting.

There are approximately 64,000 children in foster care in California.  Los Angeles County’s foster care population exceeds 21,000 children with 500 foster children waiting to be connected to a family who will adopt.

Children’s Bureau offers a comprehensive foster care and adoption program that brings families together for a lifetime.  The agency is in need of resource families for children in foster care while reunifying with birth families or to provide legal permanency by adoption.

Children’s Bureau Resource Parents protect and nurture children, meet children’s developmental needs, support children’s relationships with their birth families and do all of this as a member of a professional team.

Children’s Bureau welcomes every resource parent regardless of, race, age, religion, disability, marital status, ethnic background, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.  Qualifying families receive training, family assessment, approval and support.

A current CB family advises potential resource parents “to come into it with an open mind and an open heart.  Be prepared to care beyond anything you could have ever imagined.”  Watch Children’s Bureau resource families share their experiences here:

Discover if you have the willingness, ability and resources to take on the challenge of helping a child in need.

A monthly information meeting is being held Saturday, February 24, 2018 from 10:00 AM to Noon at College of the Canyons, Dr. Dianne G. Van Hook University Center, Room 222, 26455 Rockwell Canyon Road, Santa Clarita, CA 91355.

To R.S.V.P. or for more information, call 661-208-4212 or email us at [email protected].

An information packet or application may also be obtained by filling out a request form on the website.

About Children’s Bureau

Since 1904, Children’s Bureau has been a nonprofit leader in the prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect. More than 30,000 children and families are helped each year throughout Southern California with services that include school readiness, parenting classes, family resource centers, support groups, mental health counseling, foster care and adoption.  Children’s Bureau is one of the largest investors in child abuse prevention in the country and is developing a national model to transform an entire at-risk community through its Magnolia Community Initiative.

The above information was provided to The Signal via a news release from the Children’s Bureau.

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