Sheriff shares anti-DUI message: ‘Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk’

Santa Clarita Sheriff's Deputy Jerry Newbold, left, asks if the occupant of a small truck has their drivers license as Sheriff's deputies funnel cars down to one lane at a DUI checkpoint on Lyons Avenue in Newhall on Thursday night. 071113

With Super Bowl Sunday around the corner, Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station officials shared a message with football lovers — and anyone else planning on partying for the big game: “Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk.”

Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station is huddling up with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for a special “Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk” campaign, urging football fans across the nation not to drop the ball on this issue.

Be sure to have a game plan for the night so friends and family know who the designated driver is, Sheriff’s Station officials said Thursday.

“We want to encourage folks to turn over their keys to a sober driver before they begin drinking,” said SCV Sheriff’s Traffic Sergeant Scott Shoemaker. “Drunk driving can result in serious crashes, injuries or death. If you don’t have a designated driver, consider other ride options such as using a taxi, Uber, or Lyft.”

In all states, drivers are considered alcohol-impaired if they have a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08 or higher. Drunk driving can be deadly, and even small amounts of alcohol can impair judgement to make driving unsafe. In 2016, there were 10,497 fatalities in motor vehicle traffic crashes involving drunk drivers. Among the 10,497 alcohol-impaired-driving fatalities, 67 percent (7,052) were in crashes in which at least one driver had a BAC of .15, almost twice the legal limit.

Like Sgt. Shoemaker said, there are many other ways to ensure a safe ride home besides relying on a friend. The options include using public transportation, calling a taxi, or using a rideshare program.

In addition, NHTSA’s SaferRide Mobile App, available in the app store, is another resource to help fans who have been drinking find a sober ride home—by identifying their location and helping to call a taxi or a friend to pick them up.  Sober designated drivers should be sure to carry the ball and refrain from drinking alcohol.

Be sure your designated driver tweets @NHTSAgov during Super Bowl LII to be featured on NHTSA’s National Wall of Fame.

This Super Bowl weekend, be a team player and help keep impaired drivers from getting behind the wheel. Don’t fumble! Designate your sober driver before the big game begins. And remember: Fans Don’t Let Fans Drive Drunk.

For more Super Bowl weekend safety information, visit

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