Real Life Church invited the community to kick off Easter weekend with a free family event to spread “hope and light.”
Bounce-houses, Easter Eggs, face painting and more filled Fair Oaks park in Canyon Country for kids and their families to enjoy and celebrate the spring holiday. Kids got the chance to meet the Easter Bunny up close and have their picture taken with the holiday mascot.
“We’re for Canyon Country as a church,” said Juan Palomino, the Real Life Church Canyon Country Campus Pastor. “A lot of churches are known for what they do within their four walls, what we want to do is bring hope to the Canyon Country community.”
Members of the church working the event highlighted this message, wearing shirts with the hashtag, #forCanyonCountry.
Once kids had a chance to enjoy the many stations the event offered, the church would start their Easter Egg hunts. Two hunts would let kids try to collect as many of the over 5,000 eggs the church filled with treats.
In addition to the egg hunt and bounce houses, kids could get free Otter Pops, balloon animals and dye Easter Eggs to fill out their Easter experience.
“There’s so much stuff going on in the world, you hear shootings going on in schools, events like this, it brings hope and light to people,” Palomino said.
“It’s Easter weekend, doing stuff with the church, that’s what it’s all about,” said Ralph Hicks, who attended with his wife and kids. “We feel extremely blessed that they do this. It shows that people are willing to give and there are a lot of good people out there.”