Saugus employee named a finalist for State Classified Employee of the Year

Rio Vista Elementary School Office Manger Karla Delgadillo, center, poses with members of the Saugus Union School District Superintendent's Cabinet, other office staff and Rio Vista Principal Gina Nolte after Delgadillo was named a finalist in the 2018 California Department of Education's Classified School Employees of the Year program. Courtesy Photo

Karla Delgadillo, the office manager of Rio Vista Elementary School, has been named a county-level finalist for the Classified School Employees of the Year program by the Los Angeles County Office of Education (LACOE).

I’m just honored. I love the fact that I get to represent a lot of hard working individuals,” Delgadillo said. “It’s not just me. It really does take a team, a village to educate children.”

The California Department of Education’s Classified School Employees of the Year program highlights the contributions of classified school employees who play key roles in creating in creating a school environment that contributes to the whole child by promoting student achievement, safety and health.

Each year the state selects six awardees in one of six classified staff categories: Child Nutrition; Maintenance, Operations, and Facilities; Office and Technical; Para-Educator and Instructional Assistance; Support Services and Security; and Transportation.

Delgadillo began her work with the Saugus Union School District in 2006 when she worked as a translator at Cedarcreek Elementary School.

She then moved to Rio Vista Elementary in 2007 where she worked as an office assistant and, now, as office manager.

“I feel very proud of everyone, not just myself,” Delgadillo said. “This was all a surprise for me, I had no clue.”

The California Department of Education is expected to announce the names of the awardees in April. The chosen Classified School Employees of the Year will be honored during Classified School Employee Week, held May 21-27, at an event with State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson.

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