Annual Youth Art Showcase

Children participate in a variety of arts and crafts during the annual Youth Art Showcase. Georgia Rios/ The Signal

Children and families enjoyed opportunities for making art and putting art on display at the annual Youth Art Showcase on Saturday afternoon.

With over 200 pieces of art, the showcase highlighted on children’s paintings, drawings, musical abilities and dancing.

Children participate in a variety of arts and crafts during the annual Youth Art Showcase. Georgia Rios/ The Signal

“We are partnering with every school district pretty much in Santa Clarita,” said Yolanda Calderon, organizer of the event. “We just try to partner with different organizations to expose kids to art.”

Many of the art pieces were entered into a variety of contests based off the kind of artwork, as well from various schools throughout the Santa Clarita Valley.

In addition to the art pieces, students also came to sing and perform instruments in front of family and community members.

Children from the district band come together to perform at the annual Youth Art Showcase. Georgia Rios/ The Signal

“They practice, learn music, learn songs, all to make a connection with the real life,” explained Kathy Harris, assistant superintendent of instruction. “We try to provide several opportunities for our students to perform so that they see the arts as real everyday events.”

The band and chorus were comprised of students from all nine elementaries throughout the district, all coming together to perform as a single unit.

Throughout the event, children enjoyed a variety of arts and crafts, many being able to paint pictures, sketch with pastels, make jewelry, and even get a caricature done of themselves.

Children participate in a variety of arts and crafts during the annual Youth Art Showcase. Georgia Rios/ The Signal

“The kids are involved, engaged and this is what kids need, as well as adults,” told Bozz Bosley, community relations director of Mission Renaissance. “Children need to be able to experience what it’s like to be around other art forms and other people who are interested in art because this is something that will help their future.”

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