Girl Scout troop donates cookie proceeds to a local nonprofit

Troop 2972 donates $134 to the non-profit organization Kitten Rescue Los Angeles. Georgia Rios/The Signal

‘Do a good turn daily’, which is the Girl Scouts of America slogan, was exactly what brownie troop 2972 was doing today at the PetSmart in Stevenson Ranch.

The local Santa Clarita Valley troop decided this year, that they would donate ten percent of the their cookie proceeds to the nonprofit organization Kitten Rescue of Los Angeles.

“One of our troop members and her mom already volunteer once a week with (Kitten Rescue) and I thought it was a great fit to help them further something they already invest their time in and I thought it was great for the troop to be able to support them too,” explained Gail Proudfoot, troop leader.

Troop members hold up their cat toys during their event where they donated money and made toys for Kitten Rescue of Los Angeles. Georgia Rios/The Signal

The girls all voted that they wanted to donate their proceeds to an animal nonprofit, but in addition they also decided to make toys for the kittens.

“Instead of just giving a check, I wanted the girls to understand its good to give money and support nonprofits, however it’s also good to invest your time,” said Proudfoot. “So in order for them to understand a little bit more, we’re making some cat toys, ones with catnip and ones braided and then also, we will paint some cat rocks as paper weights.”

Brownie members of Troop 2972 make cat toys filled with catnip at their event where they donated ten percent of their cookie sales to Kitten Rescue of Los Angeles. Georgia Rios/The Signal

This was the first year that the troop donated to a nonprofit.

“Girl Scouts encourage us to pick, as part of our badge work in brownies, it’s the Give Back badge, to give back to our community because they support us in buying cookies and helping run our troops, so one of the things we wanted to do this year was do that badge and give some of our proceeds to a local nonprofit,” told Proudfoot.

In all, the troop gave $134 to the Kitten Rescue of Los Angeles, as well as bags full of kitten toys, which will go to the foster homes and rescue centers holding the cats.

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