Saugus High automotive instructor attends national seminar

Vijay Maraj takes a test drive on the automotive trainer at the TCAT Elizabethton, located in Northeast Tennessee.

By Bob Robinson for the Signal

Vijay Maraj, an automotive technologies instructor at Saugus High School, was among more than 150 Career and Technical Education instructors, representing business, industry and educational facilities throughout the U.S., attending the “NC3 Train the Trainer” event held at the Tennessee College of Applied Technology Elizabethton Monday, April 23-27.

Vijay Maraj is pictured in the Torque Certification class at the TCAT Elizabethton, located in Northeast Tennessee.

“Instructors will be in school for one week studying a variety of in-depth and hands-on technical courses to become certified to teach the courses at their respective work locations and award (National Coalition of Certification Centers) certifications,” NC3 Master Trainer John Lee said. “This is the largest number participants to attend such an event outside of NC3 Headquarters in Kenosha, Wisconsin.”

The courses include Automotive Scanner Diagnostics, Mechanical and Electronic Torque, Precision Measurement Instruments, Greenlee Certifications in voice and data, video and fiber optics, Advanced Measuring Instruments, Wheel Service, Rotor Matching, Dremel 3D Idea Builder, Battery Starting and Charging, Pro-Link Diesel Ultra, Advanced Diagnostics, Multimeter, and Festo Electricity and Fluid Power.

The National Coalition of Certification Centers, or NC3, is a network of education providers and corporations that support, advance and validate new and emerging technology skills in the transportation, aviation and energy industry sectors.

For additional information, visit nc3.neg or contact John Lee at TCAT Elizabethton, 423-543-0070, email [email protected].

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