Enrollment for Cowboy Football Camp now open

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Cowboy Football will be holding a three-day practice beginning Jun. 18 for all Santa Clarita youth, according to a press release statement.

Canyon High School football coach Rich Gutierrez will be coordinating the event, along with his coaching staff. Those wanting to start learning how to play football will be safely introduced to the sport through non-contact and other techniques. More seasoned players will have their skills perfected and further tested.

Cowboy Football is a nonprofit organization working with students at Canyon High School and community youth to challenge their skills at football while also balancing their education, according to Gutierrez on the Cowboy Football website.

Refreshments will be provided. Practice is open to participants ages six to 14. There is a $50 admission fee for the event, which concludes Jun. 20. The Cowboys Football Camp will be held at Canyon High School Football stadium.

For more information on Cowboy Football, visit their website. To register, go to https://www.santa-clarita.com/city-hall/departments/recreation-community-services-and-open-space/recreation/seasons.

The above information was obtained by The Signal via a news release provided by Michael Haiby, president of the Canyon High Football Booster Club.

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