Districts approves foster youth data sharing


The Newhall School District approved a Memorandum of Understanding on Tuesday to allow the district to share foster youth data with the Los Angeles County Office of Education, or LACOE.

Newhall officials hope the move proves to be a significant step, in light of the state’s recent focus on fostered youth.

“Maintaining a comprehensive data-sharing program with (LACOE) helps us ensure that we are mustering every available resources for the foster students NSD serves,” said Christy Smith, governing board member for the Newhall School District, after the meeting.

“The purpose of the agreement is to support the data-sharing efforts between all school districts within Los Angeles County—specifically to initially share foster youth information,” the agenda notes. “The ability to share information for foster youth population is particularly critical at this moment,” because of its importance to the Local Control Funding Formula, which determines school funding.

“One of LACOE’s identified state priorities, to be developed through the LCAP, is to coordinate services,” the document reads, which includes, among other actions, working with the county child welfare agency to share information.

Currently, Newhall has 20 students in the district who met the definition of foster youth, according to EdData.

The student data that is expected to be shared will include information on demographic, school enrollment history, current courses, transcript, attendance, CAHSEE test results, STAR or CST test results, electronic cumulative folders and bilingual identification, according to officials.

All participating institutions will maintain the confidentiality of any and all student data exchanged, the MOU states. “The educational institutions that choose to participate in this MOU desire to evaluate and improve their respective educational programs through the ability to identify and support student populations to achieve optimal academic performance.”

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