Kindness rocks Sulphur Springs

Sulphur Spring Elementary School students in staff work together to create a Kindness Rock Garden Monday Morning in hopes of persuing a more loving future. Eddy Martinez/The SIgnal.

Following in the footsteps of their peers who have donated murals, mustang-shaped bushes and other gifts, the outgoing sixth-graders of Sulphur Springs Community School unveiled the latest campus addition Monday.

Each year, the graduating mustangs of Sulphur Springs donated a gift to the school that will represent their class for years to come, officials said. “This year, students felt a need for kindness in the world.”

Bullying and threats are only a few of the problems students face during a school day, according to a video created by students, but the sixth-graders wanted to remind everybody that kindness is, too.

With smiling faces, bright colors and their own distinct features, rocks were painted by the group with uplifting phrases “for the kids who will come to our school in the future,” students said in the video. If they’re ever having a bad day, then they will always be able to pick up a rock and read a kind message that will hopefully inspire them.

The entire project was completely student created, officials said, “and it will grow each year.”

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