Workers knock down brush fire on Golden Valley

A construction worker puts out a 10 by 30 spot fire near the corner of Golden Valley Road and Centre Pointe Parkway on Thursday, June 28, 2018. Cory Rubin/The Signal

Workers clearing brush on Golden Valley Road, near the Santa Clarita Aquatics Center, knocked down a small brush fire that flared up Thursday afternoon.

A spot fire broke on Golden Valley, at Centre Pointe Parkway, shortly after 1 a.m., Vanessa Lozano, spokeswoman for the Los Angeles County Fire Department said.

Dispatched firefighters arrived on scene at 1:13 p.m. but fast-responding workers at the location grabbed a couple of fire extinguishers and snuffed out the fire.

“It was reported as a 10’-by-10’ knockdown,” Lozano said, referring to what firefighters refer to as a “spot fire.”

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