The Santa Clarita City Council is expected Tuesday to designate city officials authorized to apply for disaster-related financial assistance. Approval for Transit Maintenance Facility repairs and its construction contract are also on the agenda.
Every three years, the council must assign city officials to execute and file to the California Governor’s Office to obtain state or federal assistance relating to disasters, as required by the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988.
The universal resolution is not limited to a specific disaster, the designation of applicants document reads, and is said to be effective for all open and future disasters for up to three years.
The council is recommended to designate the city manager, the assistant city manager and the director of public works to file the application, as stated in the city’s agenda report.
Transit Maintenance Facility repairs
As part of the city’s five-year strategic plan, under the sustaining public infrastructure theme, the Transit Maintenance Facility may receive upgrades if the city approves project specifications.
Those repairs include the removal and replacement of more than 1,000 square feet of damaged roofing on two buildings, set to be completed in two phases.
City staff recommends that the council award the construction contract to the Anaheim-based Western Waterproofing Co. with a bid amount just less than $600,000. With a grant funded by the Federal Transit Administration, the total project budget amounts to $800,000.
The Transit Maintenance Facility, which houses more than 150 buses and the city’s transit department staff, is considered the first state-of-the-art “green” building for the city. The award-winning building, completed in May 2006, is also known as one of the first LEED-certified, straw-bale structures in the world, according to the Santa Clarita Transit website.
Also on Tuesday, the Tourism Marketing District board is scheduled to meet at 3 p.m. in City Hall to discuss several items including a marketing campaign, bike sharing and upcoming events.