Logix set to give back to the community and get to know Santa Clarita ahead of their new HQ opening

Dave Styler, President and CEO of Logix Federal Credit Union, left, takes the gold shovel from the company mascot, "Robix" in preparation for the official ground breaking ceremony at the location of the the new Logix Headquarters building in Valencia on Wednesday. Dan Watson/The Signal

As a way to give back to Santa Clarita, Logix Federal Credit Union will kick off its day of community service at the Hyatt Regency Valencia on Oct. 8.

“Logix Community Day, our inaugural day of service, was inspired by our employees’ desire to give back to the community,” said executive vice president Andrea Carpenter. “We have a long history of corporate citizenship and because we’re building our headquarters in Santa Clarita, we thought it would be ideal to offer a service project and an opportunity to connect to Santa Clarita.”

Five hundred of Logix’s employees will be going across Santa Clarita that day, said public relations representative Cynthia Wagner.

“More than 500 staff members will be participating in this employee-only event,” said Carpenter.

Employees will start the day with SCV Project Linus. Run by students from Academy of the Canyons Middle High School, Logix employees and “blanketeers” will collaborate to make 200 blankets, which go to Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital and several nonprofit groups across Santa Clarita, according to Logix’s website.

Employees will also work together to assemble care packages for For The Troops in the afternoon, Carpenter said.

The day will also feature a bus trip across Santa Clarita, including to the site of Logix’s new headquarters, originally located in Burbank. The new headquarters is set to be finished in 2020, Carpenter said.

Along with a tour of the city, Logix employees will meet with representatives from the William S. Hart School District, SCVEDC and Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital, among other city experts, in order to inform employees interested in moving. Wagner said this portion of the day is designed for Logix to “integrate their family into SCV.”

This event will be closed off the public.

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