Golden Valley’s student television network named best in the West

SIGNAL FILE PHOTO: California Secretary of State Alex Padilla, left, is interviewed by Andrew Oh, 15, for GVTV before Padilla gave presentation on early voter registration to 550 Golden Valley High School students gathered in the Golden Valley Gym on Wednesday, September 19, 2018. (Photo by Dan Watson).

It’s not every day that a public high school video production teacher gets to talk about his students being named the best of the best in all the West.

But Golden Valley video production teacher Charles Deuschle he gets to do just that.

This past month, Golden Valley Television — the student-run daily news show that reports on relevant topics for students in the classroom — was selected for the Student Television Network award for Best Daily Live Announcement show for the West Coast, according to GVTV teacher Charles Deuschle.

“STN is basically saying that we are the best daily announcement show in the entire region,” said Deuschle. “Every day, we cover things like school news, Golden Valley announcements and feature stories we think would be of interest to the student body and community … We also stream on YouTube.”

In addition to being recognized by the national organization when compared against high schools and middle schools across a number of states, the crew of GVTV is being given one more honor by STN.

“We have 10 students attending the annual STN conference in Seattle, Washington,” said Deuschle. “This will be our third year going to the conference … and half of each student’s trip has been funded by district grants and a lot of fundraising.”

During the conference, students will compete against other student television production crews that had been selected by STN to attend as well due to their “excellence in video and television production.”

The competition winners, who will be given a topic on the day of the conference and told to write, film, edit and present a film in a limited amount of time, will have their project and name announced from a stage by hosts who are also their peers. One such master of ceremonies will be Golden Valley sophomore and GVTV producer, Andrew Oh.

“You get selected by basically recording yourself doing a monologue, stand-up comedy, or whatever you want to show your speech abilities to STN,” said Oh. “I recorded a monologue, 30 seconds long, and I got chosen.”

Oh said he has a partner-host from another school and they’ve been communicating with one another about what they’re going to wear and what we’re going to say.

“It truly is an honor and I’m so thankful I get to experience it,” Oh said.

“The students work so hard on the daily show, and this gives them validation from professionals other than myself,” Deuschle added. “Hearing people who are not as familiar with their work is extremely rewarding.”

The 16th Annual STN Convention is set to take place at the Washington Convention Center in Seattle March 28-31. For more information or content from GVTV, visit their Youtube channel, “GVTV News.”

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