SCV Muslims thank sheriffs for safety following New Zealand shooting

Flowers and a message of thanks were left at the SCV Sheriff's Station as a message of thanks for having a presence around local mosques following the terror attack in New Zealand. Courtesy image: Shirley Miller

The Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station received flowers and a message of gratitude on Saturday for monitoring the safety of local mosques in the wake of a mass shooting at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, on Friday.

“It’s one of those things that happens in the world and filters down to the local level,” said Shirley Miller, SCV Sheriff’s Station spokeswoman.

She said other messages of thanks were sent over Facebook, one of which asked if flowers could be dropped off at the station. A bouquet of flowers in a vase and an accompanying message appeared the next day.

“Thank you for being there to everyone in SCV,” the message read. “It is a tough day for (the) Muslim community after (the) New Zealand news. However, seeing you in SCV mosques shows the love of our community.”

Sheriff’s deputies patrolled Santa Clarita’s three mosques, Miller confirmed, the Islamic Center of Santa Clarita Valley, Al Umma Center of Santa Clarita and Unity Center Santa Clarita.

About 50 people were killed and 50 people injured at two mosques spanning across the city of Christchurch.

“Deputies have had a proactive presence to help put their minds at ease and let them know they’re there,” Miller said.


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