Smith’s ‘game-changer’ bill for high schoolers passes committee

Colllege of the Canyons Chancellor Dianne Van Hook raises her arms in celebration as Assemblywoman Christy Smith joins her at the swearing-in ceremony. Van Hook was appointed to a state oversight committee.

Legislation attempting to help students get ahead on college course requirements passed the Higher Education Committee on Tuesday.

Authored by Assemblywoman Christy Smith, D-Santa Clarita, Assembly Bill 1729 seeks to expand dual-enrollment opportunities by allowing high school students to enroll in a greater number of community college courses during the summer.

Smith called the bill a “game-changer for many high school students” in a Facebook post Wednesday and believes the bill will allow thousands across the state to get a jump start on general education courses before they head to college.

“As a lifelong education advocate, I have seen how to best support our high school students from first-hand experience and the importance of partnering with our local community colleges,” Smith said in a news release. “I am proud my AB 1729 broadens the gateways of opportunity, and I will continue to be committed to expanding access to education.”

Smith added it is her pleasure to craft a bill that will have a positive impact for students throughout California.

“As a previous student of College of the Canyons, I know the great value of our community colleges,” Smith said. “I am happy to author legislation that will prepare our children for collegiate academic environments and ensure their future success.”

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