Old Einstein Academy, Pinecrest building being demolished

Demolition began on the old Einstein Academy of Letters, Arts and Sciences building, May 16, 2019. Cory Rubin / The SIgnal.

The building that formerly housed Einstein Academy and Pinecrest School began to be demolished this week.

Since the summer 2018, the campus has remained vacant, until CBRE Group Inc. and Intertex began removing the buildings Tuesday to make room for a medical office building.

The office building, according to CBRE advertising pamphlets, is set to take up a large portion of the 2.82-acre property at the corner of Orchard Village and Wiley Canyon roads in Valencia.

The demolition is being done to make room for a new 41,000-square-foot, two-story medical office building, May 16, 2019. Cory Rubin / The Signal.

The new building, according to a promotional brochure being distributed by CBRE, is scheduled to be an approximately 41,000-square-foot, two-story building with “a condominium overlay and suites that will be available for sale or lease and divisible to 5,000 square feet.”

The building is being sold, according to the informational packet, as convenient and pragmatic for those in the medical field looking to be close to Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital, which is half a mile from the campus.

Demolition of the old structure started Tuesday. The completion date is scheduled for spring 2020, according to the informational brochure.

The property opened as Pinecrest School in 1973, and was later the home of the Albert Einstein for Letters, Arts and Sciences charter school.

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