Take a ‘Photo Journey’ to Oaxaca, Mexico

Local photographer Rob Comeau has recently launched RC Photo Journeys, offering a small group photography trip to Oaxaca, Mexico, in September. Courtesy of RC Photo Journeys

Local photographer Rob Comeau has recently launched RC Photo Journeys, offering small group photography trips to worldwide destinations with the first destination scheduled as a trip to Oaxaca, Mexico, in September.

“This tour will combine photography, teaching and traveling — three of my absolute passions,” Comeau said. “I love every place I go, and I enjoy finding something unique and local at each destination. This (trip) is a great combination of all of that.”

The trip will be run in conjunction with intelli.tours to offer participants as nice of a time with the trip itself as well as the photography, Comeau said.

Participants don’t need to be photographers to join, according to Comeau, as the trip will cater to those who simply want to take better photos with their phone as well as more advanced photographers with professional cameras.

The trip is expected to include both classroom and hands-on photography instruction, which will be broken up into groups to tailor to each participant’s experience level, and Comeau will be available for guidance at all excursions, as well as during designated teaching times, he said.

Local photographer Rob Comeau has recently launched RC Photo Journeys, offering a small group photography trip to Oaxaca, Mexico, in September. Courtesy of RC Photo Journeys

“It’s really about the experience, and how to come home with better photos while enjoying a phenomenal trip,” he said.

All excursions will include bilingual tour guides as travelers visit “must-see” spots as well as other “off-the-beaten-path” destinations, such as a cooking demonstration of authentic Oaxacan cuisine prepared by a Zapotec chef, which will cater to both those who would like to photograph as well as those who would like a hands-on cooking experience, according to Comeau.

Accommodations will be at the Hotel Quinta Real Oaxaca, a renovated 16th-century Dominican convent, with various local dining options, including market lunches and five-star dinners, he said.

The price of the trip will include roundtrip airport transfers and ground transportation, admission and entry fees, breakfast each morning, most lunches and dinners, and a mid-trip laundry service, according to Comeau.

The RC Photo Journey is scheduled from Sept. 1-8 to Oaxaca, Mexico. Space is limited and registration closes on July 20. For more information, visit rcphotojourneys.com or call 888-521-6046.

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