California Highway Patrol officers responded to an overturned cement truck that overturned at the intersection of Sierra Highway and Davenport Road on Tuesday morning.
CHP dispatch officers received a call just before 8 a.m. about a big rig that was on its passenger side and sprawled out on Sierra Highway, near Davenport.

The driver walked away from the crash and was cleared of injuries by medical personnel from American Medical Response on the scene.
CHP Officer Eric Priessman confirmed there were no hazardous materials in the truck’s cargo.
“There’s nothing leaking from it, as of 9:04 (a.m.), it’s still on our log, so the call is still open, “ said Priessman, “They got two tow units out there trying to upright a fully loaded cement truck.”
Commuters driving near the intersection of Sierra Highway and Davenport Road were slightly delayed while CHP and fire officials diverted traffic around the downed truck.
A driver who wished to remain anonymous was traveling behind the truck when it rolled over.

“As I was coming down Davenport towards Sierra Highway, I could smell that his brakes were burning, and then, as we got closer to the stop sign, you could see the smoke coming out … from his brakes, and as he was trying to stop, the trailer was fishtailing and it appeared he wasn’t able to stop.”