By Kaitlyn Nickerson
For the Signal
A local barbecue restaurant is hosting the Winter Wonderland Donation Drive to support the Santa Clarita Valley’s homeless population.
Organized by Rashina Daniel and the staff at Our Place, the effort is gathering materials to donate items for “Winter Wonderland” bags. Daniel said the volunteers are gathering bottled water, canned food with a pull tab, travel-sized toiletries and tissues.
“We are really looking for the communities’ help with jackets and blankets they don’t want or no longer need,” Daniel said.
Even though Southern California’s weather is mild, temperatures can drop fairly low at night, with temperatures dipping as low as 36 degrees in December and January, according to
Daniel explained that many people who are homeless are unable to reach the shelters at night or there aren’t enough beds and they face spending the night outside.
Daniel and her family plan to take both the care packages and hot meals provided by Our Place to local homeless individuals.
The drive will take place at BigBoxPlay on Saturday, November 9 from 9 a.m. to noon, when children can enter fun zone for free with a donation. Children can play in the fun zone, and adults are welcome to help pack the care packages. Winey Art, a sponsor of the event, is also expected to be there to lead a painting session for the kids.
After the drive, the community is welcome to head out to the wash with Our Place BBQ to help hand out meals.
For those unable to attend the event, but who still want to donate, a donation space will be available at BigBoxPlay from Nov. 1-9. For more information, please email [email protected].