Regardless of how prepared you are, you’re bound to get anxious when exams are around the corner. This is because you never know what the professor is going to set. Aside from finals that usually test everything, the mid-semester tests are a gamble because the professor might focus on a concept you didn’t fully understand.
But this does not mean you should let the stress take over your life. Prepare as much as possible, and then work on keeping yourself calm. After all, if you’re nervous, everything you know will most likely fly out the window. The brain is not usually at its best when you’re in panic mode.
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1. Get Enough Sleep
You are probably pulling all-nighters because you want to go through all the notes. But you know all too well that your body and mind cannot be at their best without enough rest. Get enough sleep and wake up early to study. Cut down on the time you spend on social media, so you have more time with your books. Remember, as a college student; you need at least seven hours of sleep every night.
2. Manage your Time
The reason why students panic when exams are near is because they didn’t set aside enough time to study throughout the semester. As a result, they try to go through volumes upon volumes of books within a matter of days. Even if you manage to read all these books, your brain will not be able to remember much.
As a student, you should understand that your brain takes time to process information. You cannot overwhelm it with so much at a go and expect to remember everything. Managing your time throughout the semester allows you the calmness you need to ace your exams.
3. Eat Healthily
During the exam period, you need to eat foods that boost your brain activity. You cannot expect to function at your best when all you’re eating is junk food. Invest in fruits and vegetables that maintain your brain’s sharpness.
4. Consult with your Professor
Even though group discussions ensure you learn something new from other students, consulting with your professor reassures you that you’re on the right track. Professors are there to help you with whatever you need, disturb them as much as you can so you don’t end up failing your paper.
5. Exercise
This should not be something you do only during exam periods. Be if you haven’t been exercising, consider trying a morning run, and see how your day turns out. Beginning on an active note ensures you have a productive day.
Exam period is stressful for many students because they didn’t study enough throughout the semester. When you manage your time well, exams find you ready. Ensure you eat healthy during exam periods to boost your brain activity. If you’re unsure about a concept. Feel free to consult with your professor.