Kathy Hunter named assistant superintendent of educational services

Photo courtesy of the Hart District.

The William S. Hart Union High School District named Kathy Hunter as the assistant superintendent of educational services for the district during Wednesday night’s board meeting.

Hunter, who is currently the district’s director of student support services, will replace Deputy Superintendent Mike Kuhlman when he becomes superintendent. Kuhlman will be replacing current-Superintendent Vicki Engbrecht when she decides to retire from the top job, although Engbrecht has not yet announced her retirement.

“I am honored to have this opportunity to serve the District as the Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services,” Hunter said in a statement released Thursday. “My focus, as always, will be on students. Under the direction of the superintendent and the governing board, I hope to continue our efforts to support teachers and staff, increase parent engagement, and increase overall physical, emotional and social wellness of each and every student.”

During the meeting, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Michael Vierra, said the district received a number of applications from qualified candidates both inside and outside the district.

“We interviewed eight candidates,” said Vierra. “As a result of this process, we’re pleased to recommend (Hunter) for the position of assistant superintendent.”

Now in her 20th year with the Hart District, Ms. Hunter taught students with emotional issues at Valencia High School before becoming a Special Education Program Specialist at the District Office, according to officials. She also served as principal at Sequoia School before starting her current position as director of student services nine years ago. She also has worked in the private sector with IBM for seven years, and another eight years as an educational specialist in psychiatric hospitals.

“We are so very pleased to welcome Ms. Kathy Hunter to the position of assistant superintendent once the transition in leadership happens for the Hart District,” said Kuhlman in a statement from the district. “Ms. Hunter has authored many of the signature programs for out District and has built critical relationships with key people and organizations throughout our community. Her leadership has been indispensable recently as we have faced the traumatic events of this past week. I’m thankful and optimistic for our district and our community.”

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