Rancho Pico Jr. High student airlifted to hospital

A helicopter airlifts a Rancho Pico Jr. High student from campus after reports of a cardiac arrest call on Nov. 20, 2019. Dan Watson/ The Signal

First responders airlifted a child from Rancho Pico Junior High School in Stevenson Ranch to a hospital in response to a medical call on Wednesday morning, according to the Los Angeles County Fire Department.

“We received the call at 9:53 a.m., and on scene at 10 a.m., on the 26200 block of West Valencia Boulevard,” said Marvin Lim, spokesman for the LACFD. 

The call was initially for reports of a cardiac arrest but was later confirmed to be for a seizure, said Lim.

Deputies with the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station also responded to the scene, according to Sgt. Chris Voda, who said there was no street closure as a result of the response. 

The condition, age and gender of the child were not known, said Lim. 

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